Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The expansion of renewable energy sources is one of the pillars of Grupo Sabin's program to reduce GHG emissions. In 2023, the Group will complete the project to supply photovoltaic energy to all the laboratory test collection units located in and around the Federal District.

In 2019, the company entered the Free Market for Renewable Energy Sources and, in 2020, won the Renewable Energy Certificate for the company's headquarters in Brasília. In the following years, the Group invested in the acquisition of energy generated by solar sources for other regional offices.

Results and Objectives

Desde a entrada do Grupo Mercado Livre de Energia de Fontes Renováveis, a empresa evitou a emissão de 446 toneladas de CO2. Além disso, a intensidade energética do Grupo, em 2022, ficou 17% menor que no ano anterior, no consumo kWh por exame laboratorial.


With its investments in renewable energy, the Sabin Group has contributed to increasing the share of renewable energies in the global energy matrix and energy efficiency across the planet (SDG 7). By 2023, the company has set itself the target of increasing its use of renewable energies by 15% (KWh consumption).


Em todo o país, já são 50% das unidades de atendimento funcionando com energia verde e no Distrito Federal, 100% das operações são abastecidas por energia limpa.


12. Responsible consumption and production , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Energia Sustentável – 2024