Vivo has been using 100% renewable energy since November 2018. With this, the company has brought forward by 12 years its target with the Telefónica Group, of which it is a part, which was set for 2030. The use of renewable energy has contributed significantly to Vivo reducing its direct CO2 and electricity emissions by 88% between 2015 and 2022, and has enabled the company to make significant progress towards neutralizing its greenhouse gas emissions. The Distributed Electricity Generation Project (DG) will cover 85 solar, hydro and biogas plants across the country. As an important part of the company's Renewable Energy Plan, the project not only extends a cycle of efficiency and sustainable development, but also highlights Vivo as a company committed to ESG issues.
Today, Vivo has 57 distributed generation plants in operation, including 38 solar plants, 14 hydroelectric plants (small hydroelectric plants) and 5 biogas plants, in 17 Brazilian states, covering all regions of the country, capable of generating 501,000 MWh/year. By the end of the project, there will be 85 plants throughout Brazil, which together will produce more than 711,000 MWh/year, enough energy to supply a city with up to 300,000 inhabitants. Thus, the initiative contributes to the company changing its energy system, and supports global challenges to curb climate change through the generation of minimum-impact renewable energy.
Results and Objectives
Promote the diversification of energy sources for businesses and operations to generate clean energy from low-impact renewable sources.
The project will account for approximately 90% of Vivo's low-voltage consumption, serving around 30,000 units, including stores, towers, antennas, telecommunications equipment and offices.
At the end of the project, 61% of the sources will be solar, 27% hydro (small hydroelectric plants) and 12% biogas.
Vivo relies on its Renewable Energy Plans and Energy Efficiency Programs to achieve its climate change objectives, and its actions are based on its Energy Policy, which provides guidelines for more sustainable management. Our 57 Distributed Generation plants in operation are capable of generating 501,000 MWh/year of renewable energy.
One of Vivo's goals is to reduce energy consumption per unit of traffic by 90% by 2025, compared to 2015, and to maintain 100% of electricity generated from renewable sources.
In 2022, there was a 3% reduction in energy intensity (MWh/Pb) and, since 2015, 87% has already been reduced.
External Certification
International Commitments
National Commitments
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