Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The company's annual project aims to replace the use of gasoline with ethanol and with this initiative it is estimated that there will be a reduction in emissions of 600 tons of CO2. The company's initiative seeks to reduce dependence on gasoline, a non-renewable source that is harmful to the environment, so ethanol, made from plants such as sugar cane and corn, is a more sustainable choice for the environment.

Results and Objectives


  • Reduce the emission of 600 tons of CO2;
  • Replacing 450,000 liters of gasoline and diesel with ethanol will reduce CO2 emissions by 765 tons;
  • Reduction of 200 tons of CO2.


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification


National Commitments

ABC Plan, National Program for the Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB), RenovaBio

More info

I choose Ethanol