Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Green Team is an initiative of volunteer employees at Siemens Healthineers, known as GREEN (Grass Roots Eco-Friendly Employee Network). In Brazil, the project started in 2021, and seeks to join forces to carry out actions related to caring for the environment and promoting sustainability.


Green Team shares good practices, supports projects and promotes awareness-raising activities for employees, their families and the community on topics such as Conscious Consumption, Circular Economy, Climate Change and Environmental Protection. In addition to the awareness-raising activities promoted internally, volunteers have worked on local actions, such as beach clean-ups, tree planting and forest cleaning, integrating family members and the community into the activities, with the aim of engaging more people in favor of the environment. These actions have helped to reinforce the importance of environmental protection among employees, highlighting the urgency of reducing excessive consumption and improving the circular economy culture. The results of employee involvement have been surprising and have generated actions with a positive impact.

Results and Objectives

By raising awareness among employees and through voluntary actions, the project has replicated the concept with family members, the community and clients, going beyond the local scale of the workplace. To date, the project has carried out actions such as: 


– 20 Palestras e treinamentos sobre economia circular, mudanças climáticas e consumo consciente;  

- 370 kg of waste removed from the environment during the Zero Waste Week clean-up campaign in Joinville - SC; 

– 245 kg de resíduos eletrônicos arrecadados para reciclagem; 

62 litros de óleo de cozinha descartados corretamente;

- 5 Environmental challenges for employees;

8 Ações de voluntariado, totalizando 901 horas de voluntariado;

- 47 native trees planted in recovery areas in Joinville - SC; 

- Workshops on composting, pesticide-free vegetable gardens and making the most of food. 



11. Sustainable cities and communities , 12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Green Team Healthineers – 2024