Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Move for Good is Edenred Mobilidade's global sustainability program that provides tools to reduce and avoid mobility-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, supporting fleet managers in the transition to low-carbon mobility. 


The program is based on four pillars: Raising Awareness, which aims to encourage a culture that promotes sustainable mobility, directing consumers towards a change in behavior; Reducing and Avoiding, which encourages the measurement of carbon emissions and the adoption of mobility with a lower environmental impact, either by adopting a cleaner source of supply (such as ethanol) or better fleet management practices to reduce consumption; Compensating, which provides a solution for offsetting carbon emissions related to refueling that could not be reduced or avoided, through certified projects; and Preserving, which focuses on supporting local projects to preserve biodiversity and recover degraded areas.

Results and Objectives

Currently, Move for Good allows companies to manage carbon emissions based on the liters they fill up and have a view of the impact in a detailed portal, with the possibility of automatically offsetting 100% of residual carbon emissions. The program will be updated to focus on measuring and reducing emissions. Edenred has developed an intuitive platform that automatically calculates GHG emissions on a monthly basis, allowing companies to reduce their environmental impact and costs at the same time.


13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification

ISO 14001

International Commitments

National Commitments

RED++ (National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)

More info

Move for Good