Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Responsible for the production of Pollen® Paper, specially used for making books, Suzano has joined forces with the Companhia das Letras, Record and Sextante publishing houses to zero out the carbon footprint of more than 50,000 copies of the hits "Saving Time", "It Starts With Us" and "The Good Life".


In order to neutralize carbon emissions, Suzano, one of the largest paper manufacturers in Latin America, enlisted the support of a specialist consultancy to map and calculate the footprint of the entire life cycle of books, from the planting of eucalyptus, the raw material for paper production, to the disposal/recycling of the material. Each book has different sizes, covers and pages, characteristics that affect greenhouse gas emissions during the production process.

Results and Objectives

The project was launched in August 2023 and has guaranteed the neutralization of emissions from more than 50,000 copies of books.


The carbon footprint was calculated individually for each book and Suzano's carbon credits, from certified projects and verified by an external audit, will be used to neutralize emissions. 


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification


National Commitments

More info

Carbon neutralization of 3 literary works