The project for Tetra Pak's New Effluent Station in Ponta Grossa provides for the recovery of 60% of the permeate from the reverse osmosis of the water used by the factories, which will be sent for reuse in cooling towers.
The remainder of the water concentrate will be sent for disposal in the receiving water body Arroio das Olarias, meeting the quality standards of the grant.
Results and Objectives
The reuse of treated water in the cooling towers is estimated at between 25 and 35 m³/day, and can reach 40m³/day. As for the disposal of treated effluents, volumes of between 16 and 24 m³/day are expected ( with the possibility reaching up to 30m³/day), depending on the volume generated at the plant.
With the project, it is expected that 6395,472 tons/year of solid waste will no longer be dumped in the environment.
External Certification
International Commitments
National Commitments
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