Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project includes the installation, completed in 2015, of a new Effluent Treatment Plant at the milk processing plant located in the municipality of Bela Vista de Goiás/GO. The existing treatment system has been completely restructured, with the addition of a low-rate anaerobic reactor to the treatment system's process flow. The reactor has the capacity to treat a flow rate of 230m³/h of effluent with a high organic load.


The new system has made it possible to reduce the carbon footprint by capturing the methane generated in the anaerobic treatment stage, generating biogas which is used as fuel in the boilers to generate thermal energy. In addition, the amount of waste (sludge) generated in the process has been reduced and the quality of the effluent discharged into the water body has been improved, as the system achieves 99% efficiency in removing the organic load.

Results and Objectives


The use of the biogas generated at the unit prevented the emission of around 32,000 tons of CO² in the last year alone. Approximately 48,700 reforested eucalyptus trees were saved from being used as firewood in the boilers by using biogas at the Bela Vista de Goiás branch in 2022.


Another advantage of the system is its high efficiency in treating the organic load, which reaches 99% in the case of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) removal. With the treatment, around 20 tons of waste are avoided every day. In addition, dairy waste is received from other companies in the region, ensuring environmentally appropriate disposal. It should also be noted that the anaerobic sludge, which must be removed every six to eight years, is highly suitable for agricultural reuse.


13. Climate action , 6. Clean water and sanitation , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification


National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

New Wastewater Treatment Plant at Laticinios Bela Vista