Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Training Workshops - Community Knowledge were developed as part of the environmental licensing process for the 500 kV Marituba - Tucuruí Transmission Line (TL), in the priority communities within the direct area of influence of the project, which involves portions of ten municipalities in the state of Pará, namely: Tucuruí, Breu Branco, Moju, Goianésia do Pará, Tailândia, Acará, Abaetetuba, Barcarena, Belém and Ananindeua, with the Tucuruí substation (SE) as its starting point and the Marituba SE as its ending point.


From a socio-environmental point of view, the implementation of the project aimed to minimize, control and/or compensate for negative environmental impacts and maximize the effects generated by positive impacts by implementing the environmental programs defined in the Environmental Control Plan (PCA). Within these environmental programs, the Environmental Education Program (PEA) was carried out, including actions with different target audiences, with emphasis on actions related to the priority communities to receive PEA activities.

Results and Objectives

The actions covered 27 communities, reaching a total of 407 trained people, with 14 training topics: agricultural techniques, confectionery, baking, cooking, beekeeping, cassava, seedling production, vegetables, raising chickens, bio-jewelry, handmade soap, fish farming and associations and cooperatives.


1. No poverty , 10. Reduced inequalities , 8. Decent work and economic growth

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

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Training Workshops - Community Knowledge