Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Cotton Move Circular Platform app is an unprecedented initiative in the global fashion sector. It is a tool that connects the end consumer to an ecosystem of players who are united in making the circular economy viable in practice. Through the app, consumers can engage in circular fashion in different ways: (1) they can identify, through geolocation, the nearest disposal point, finding a safe way to correctly dispose of the clothes in their closet; (2) they can also identify points of sale for circular products, produced by recycling fibers obtained at disposal points; and (3) they can learn about sustainability in the textile industry and retail, with an emphasis on circular fashion.


The Platform includes partners from the different stages of the fashion cycle: retailers, weaving companies, knitters, reverse logistics operators, research institutions, among other supporters and players in the processes inherent to circular economy. 

Results and Objectives

Acting in one of the world's most polluting economic sectors, the platform reduces textile waste by recycling and producing new clothes and articles made with circularity attributes. 


Today the app has 430 clothing disposal points in all regions of the country, 6,000 users and 60,000 accesses.


Updates are being planned with the inclusion of new features in order not only to increase the number of users, but also with the adoption of technologies that allow for greater interactivity and, above all, the monetization of operations in the form of credits in digital currencies.


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 12. Responsible consumption and production , 17. Partnerships and means of implementation

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

Circular Platform