Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


ECCON Soluções Ambientais produced the web series "Preservers in Brazil". The short documentary film reveals the challenges faced by rural landowners who preserve the fauna and flora on their properties. The material features the protagonism of people who work independently to preserve Brazil's biomes.



The first episode depicts the Atlantic Forest biome and the second episode is set in the Cerrado biome. The cerrado episode was perfected and received approval from the Ministry of Culture, through the Culture Incentive Law, and was sponsored by Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração (CBMM).

Results and Objectives

The aim of the initiative is to value and support forest preservers, as well as to raise public awareness of the importance and benefits of environmental conservation, modernize the preservation discourse and encourage discussion about environmental business. In addition, the videos are used for educational purposes in social projects.


According to the company, the initiatives of rural landowners are responsible for the preservation of 2,672 hectares of forested areas.


The first episode of the web series was filmed in July 2019 and aired that same year. The second episode was previewed in August 2023. The episodes covering the Amazon, Pantanal and Caatinga biomes will be released in 2024, 2025 and 2026 respectively.


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 13. Climate action , 15. Life on land

External Certification

One of the properties where the web series takes place, located in the Cerrado, is part of a REDD project under the Verra standard (Verified Carbon Standard Seal - a standard for certifying reductions in carbon emissions).

National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code, National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Forest Deforestation and Degradation (REDD++)

More info

Preservers in Brazil