Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Brasil TECPAR's Green IT Program aims to manage electronic materials and equipment so that they can be properly disposed of, recycled or reused. The company has therefore developed waste reception centers in partnership with a specialized supplier. These facilities receive all the material that comes back from construction sites, network expansion and maintenance activities, as well as individual and collective safety equipment. Thus, the company's unit carries out initial sorting, separating and forwarding the materials collected for reuse, recycling or recycling.  


After sorting, the waste is temporarily stored at Brasil TECPAR's operational bases, located at strategic logistics points, and the material is transported to the partner company's Sorting Centers, located in the states of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul, to be later sent for treatment. Grupo Toledo is Brasil TecPar's partner company for operating its reverse chain, collecting solid waste and disposing of it correctly. The company is ISO14001 certified and operates throughout the country. 

Results and Objectives


  • Manage electronic waste correctly;
  • End 2023 acquiring 80% of its energy consumption from renewable generation sources;
  • 58 tons of waste collected with environmentally appropriate disposal in 2022; 
  • 41.93% percentage of material reuse in Green IT Program;
  • 58.07%. percentage of materials sent for recycling; 
  • The average recyclability rate of the Green IT Program was 85% of the total waste generated by the company; 
  • 0% of waste sent to landfills with the Green IT Program; 
  • Eighteen formal jobs generated directly through the Green IT Program;  
  • The monthly cost savings from the Green IT Program, through the reuse of equipment, is approximately 1.2 million Brazilian reais.  


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 15. Life on land

External Certification

Norma ISO14001

International Commitments

National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

Green IT Program