Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


PSA Carbonflor is an unprecedented and alternative methodology for generating carbon credits through forest conservation, allowing for the measurement, reporting and verification of environmental services provided by a territory, considering the benefit of conservation and its role in mitigating climate change. The methodology, developed in partnership with ECCON Soluções Ambientais, is based on the Payment for Environmental Services Law (No. 14.119/2021) and will help the carbon market advance towards standards that are appropriate for the specificities of Brazilian biomes, such as the Atlantic Forest, collaborating to unite strategies that connect conservation and voluntary carbon markets. 


The carbon credits generated by PSA Carbonflor, called C+, will be aimed at rewarding landowners who keep an area conserved and maintain it so that the land remains biodiverse and healthy over the years, guaranteeing ecosystem services for future generations. 


The Carbonflor PES is a public methodology that can be applied in different territories. Its first application will be in Legado das Águas, the largest private Atlantic Forest reserve in Brazil, ensuring the maintenance of environmental services on 22,000 hectares of this territory, which has 87% native forest in an advanced stage of conservation. 

Results and Objectives

Carbonflor PSA proposes valuing the conservation of biodiversity; the services of providing water and maintaining its quality; and the connectivity of forests, generating value by maintaining standing forests through the creation and sale of C+ (carbon plus) carbon credits.  

The goal is to recognize the efforts of conservationist producers, generating income for producers engaged in the conservation and maintenance of Environmental and Ecosystem Services, while at the same time helping to protect biodiversity. 


13. Climate action , 14. Life below water , 15. Life on land

External Certification


National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code

More info

PSA Carbonflor