Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Startup Niltex, created in 2016, has innovated by developing and producing disposable garbage bag holders to help open and stabilize these bags during the filling phase, without the need for garbage cans. The holder made from recycled cardboard is recyclable, hygienic, economical, easy to assemble and water-resistant.


With this initiative, the company has promoted the culture of selective disposal in a simple, responsible and sustainable way.

Results and Objectives

The Niltex methodology has facilitated street sweeping and ensured the proper transportation of waste to the landfill by replacing the need for traditional garbage cans. There were 428 actions implemented by 2022 and around 500,000 holders produced.


The project has received several awards, such as the International Green Seal for Sustainable Actions at the II International Forum on Sustainable Cities, Climate and Biodiversity (FICS) of the National Association of Municipalities and the Environment (ANAMMA).


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 14. Life below water , 6. Clean water and sanitation

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

Segregation of solid waste at the source before selective collection