Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Sipremo project forecasts and monitors weather events to generate decisions from a climate perspective. In this project, technology is applied to the forestry sector, identifying how climate affects infestations of different pests and how operations throughout Brazil can understand the impact of climate and be more sustainable, while optimizing processes and reducing costs. Thus, through the development of an AI model, operational data is integrated with full-time climate monitoring to predict the incidence of 14 different forest pests. This project brings predictability and provides significant advantages, allowing operations to understand the expected impact in advance and thus direct efforts and resources assertively. In addition, resources and inputs can be applied in a smarter, more economical and less environmentally damaging way.

Results and Objectives

  • Preservation of forested areas.
  • The project resulted in a significant 90% reduction in the use of pesticides, as well as a notable reduction in diesel consumption by planes used for control.
  • Reduction of more than 10,000l of diesel oil. 
  • 90% reduction in the use of insecticides/pesticides.
  • An 86% reduction in vehicle travel and, consequently, in emissions of more than 170,000 kg CO2. 
  • 40% cost reduction. 


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 13. Climate action , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification


National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code

More info

Sipremo Forests