Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Avanade's "Tech Grant Brasil" project is a reverse logistics action in partnership with Reurbi (an urban recycler licensed for reverse logistics with the B Seal), with the aim of sending used employee equipment to young people and groups in institutions that need this equipment to promote quality education. Avanade employees' equipment is therefore periodically exchanged for newer models. In partnership with Reurbi, Avanade transforms these laptops into new equipment. At the end of five years, Reurbi collects the equipment from the institution, carrying out green reverse logistics, and technical assistance is provided free of charge for as long as the machines remain. Avanade's project has a partnership with Digital Innovation One (DIO, a distance learning technology platform), which provides free licenses for NGOs and educational institutions to receive the equipment, with a scholarship program in IT, including soft skills, with certificates and a CV database accessed by large companies. The project is carried out in phases. In each of these phases, laptops are collected, recycled and donated.

Results and Objectives


  • Recycling equipment such as notebooks and allocaring it to institutions and NGOs.
  • 1,233 notebooks were recycled  
  • 129 new and complete pieces of equipment were produced. 
  • 12 institutions across Brazil have received equipment that will provide education for around 10,000 people a year 


12. Responsible consumption and production , 17. Partnerships and means of implementation , 4. Quality education

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Tech Grant