Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Suzano develops data science solutions to increase the efficiency of turbogenerators and optimize the cogeneration system for the best economic regime.


Thor Turbines: optimizer that determines the allocation of steam in turbogenerators in order to meet process demands and maximize electricity generation, increasing energy efficiency and clean energy generation. Applied in Três Lagoas, Mucuri, Jacareí, Aracruz and Suzano.

Thor Dessuper: optimizer that determines the use of steam reducers as a way of avoiding the burning of fossil fuels to generate steam, avoiding CO2 emissions by reducing the burning of fuel oil or natural gas. Applied in Aracruz, Jacareí and Suzano.

Virtual ATT Sensor: virtual sensor of Green Liquor concentration, in order to allow greater process stability and a reduction in circulating dead load, promoting increased energy efficiency.

Results and Objectives

The final results for 2022 are:


Thor Turbines: generation of an additional 5,911 MWh.

Thor Dessuper: avoided burning of 2,009 tons of fuel oil and 2,725,455 m³ of natural gas.

ATT Virtual Sensor: when completed, it will enable an estimated increase in electricity generation of 2.5 average MW (approximately 20,000 MWh per year), as well as a reduction in the consumption of fuel oil and natural gas for steam production.


12. Responsible consumption and production , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification


National Commitments

More info

THOR (projects in the cogeneration system)