Vivo Recycle, a Vivo initiative, aims to tackle the disposal problem by offering around 1,800 collection points and proper disposal of these devices - such as cell phones, tablets, headsets, chargers, batteries - throughout the country. The proper disposal of this waste and recycling is carried out by GM&C, a company specializing in the reverse logistics of electronic products, so that 100% of the waste goes back into the production chain in the form of raw materials, bringing various socio-environmental benefits. Vivo Recycle began in 2006 and is currently Vivo's main ESG program with consumers, as part of an even greater circularity strategy.
Vivo Recycle can be disseminated and replicated in other companies and institutions, public or private, throughout Brazil, as a way of boosting and expanding the reach of this movement. The program is already a benchmark among initiatives by Brazilian companies aimed at the circular economy, especially regarding the disposal of electronic waste.
Vivo has a contract with GM&C, where all electronic waste is collected, transported, stored and sorted in accordance with environmental laws by GM&C.
The proceeds from recycling go to social projects run by the Telefônica Foundation, which aims to train educators and students in digital fluency, contributing to inclusion and reducing inequality. On a new front for the Program, which aims to raise awareness and engage the younger generations in caring for the environment, a major mobilization for the collection of electronic waste in public schools in the state of São Paulo was promoted in conjunction with the Limpa Brasil Institute, the Telefônica Foundation and Vivo Valoriza. The action took place in November 2022 with the participation of 2,700 students, who collected 5.1 tons of waste, such as batteries, cables, cell phones, chargers and other unused equipment.
The company also runs annual engagement campaigns with its employees to promote the concept of the circular economy. In June 2022, the month in which the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day was celebrated, the company launched the Recicle + Game do Bem campaign, which aimed to get employees involved in environmental volunteering. The incentive was carried out through weekly meetings, videos, posts, cards and internal communication. In addition, the Game do Bem virtual tool made missions available for mobilization around social and environmental causes, resulting in more than 3,000 interactions on the online platform and a donation of R$40,000 to the Limpa Brasil institute.
Results and Objectives
As a result, Vivo Recycle has already collected more than 5.2 million electronic items such as cell phones, headphones, chargers and batteries. In 2022 alone, around 11.3 tons of electronic waste were recycled, an increase of 22% compared to the previous year, a volume equivalent to 50,000 items. This significant amount of electronic waste collected resulted in 139 tons of materials being recycled.
External Certification
International Commitments
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