Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Reflora CBA



The Reflora CBA Project aims to reforest degraded areas in legal reserves (RL) or permanent protection areas (APP). The idea is to recover ecosystems and increase Brazilian biodiversity, helping landowners regularize their territories based on the Forest Code.


The Reflora CBA Project will supply seedlings of species that are native to the region, carry out the planting and provide technical guidance to the selected landowners. To participate, farmers must meet priority, additional, environmental, and socioeconomic criteria. Upon being selected, they are responsible for complying with the terms of the contract, allowing technicians and managers to access the areas in order to execute the project, with actions including planting, participation in training programs, maintenance, and seedling monitoring.


In the medium and long term, these reforested areas are expected to become providers of environmental services, such as climate regulation, increase in spring flow, local biodiversity and carbon sequestration.

Results and Objectives

In 2021, the first public notice was opened for the registration of interested landowners. The selection of areas took into account the status of documents and any liabilities of the properties and their owners or squatters. In 2022, a new public notice is scheduled to be published.

In this first phase, more than 460 seedlings of native species were planted in Miraí, in the Zona da Mata region of the state of Minas Gerais. By the end of 2022, more than 15,000 seedlings are expected to be planted in the region.