Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Rescue of native seedlings in commercial eucalyptus stands

CMPC Brasil


Project for the restoration of degraded areas through a method of rescuing native seedlings that enables the maximum use of the site's self-regeneration potential. 

The project involves the rescuing of seedlings that grow in the underbrush of eucalyptus stands. Currently, 80% of the total seedlings planted in areas undergoing recovery already come from this source. The rescue technique is simple and can be replicated in any rural property, but it must respect the restrictions of the Environmental Legislation – seedlings may not be removed from permanent preservation areas, for example. 

After careful collection and transportation, the seedlings go to a nursery, the species are identified and the seedlings are cared for with periodic irrigation and fertilization until they are ready to be planted in the field, depending on the species. 


The project is operational and ongoing, and will continue to be executed. 


The project carries external certification – Manejo Florestal FSC e CERFLOR 


Results and Objectives

- Each year, around 4,500 seedlings are rescued 

- 300 hectares received seedlings 


However, more than the restoration area in terms of hectares, the project also seeks the enrichment of the local flora biodiversity of these restored areas and the rescue/preservation of genetic heritage from the regions where it is carried out.