Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Reservas Votorantim consolidated a business generation method that, through the analysis of territorial vocations and local cultures, activates production chains and generating opportunities for the maintenance of the standing forest - something called "Multiple territorial usages"


Reservas Votorantim was created as a start-up inside Votorantim S.A., was launched in the market in 2022 with a proprietary mark and headquarters, growth-oriented, and ready for new opportunities.

Results and Objectives

The model showed good results in two of the areas under the project´s administration: Legado da Águas, in São Paulo, and Legado Verdes do Cerrado in Goais, each with around 30 thousand hectares. Now it is being applied to other companies through specialized consulting services.

80 thousand Ha of forested areas were preserved until the submission of this project.

The project also has the goal of promoting the restoration of 1 thousand ha/year of degraded areas

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