Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Tall Seedling technique



The purpose of the project is to accelerate the restoration of the flora by creating areas for fauna expansion in CBA’s forest restoration areas in the Zona da Mata Mineira region.  

The project developed a technique for planting tall seedlings of native species from the Atlantic Forest based on one of the main challenges faced in forest restoration efforts: the competition between seedlings of native species and grass. Native plants suffer from competition from aggressive invasive species, such as brachiaria, which generally results in high mortality rates for planted seedlings. To avoid this situation, taller seedlings – with an average height of 2.5 meters, five times higher than standard (about 50 cm) – are being planted in CBA's reforestation areas. 

The project brings several benefits to the communities surrounding the Company: to the nurserymen in the region, by creating a market niche; to the environment, by enabling the acceleration of forest restoration processes; and to academia, by encouraging the development of technologies together with local nurserymen and multiply industrial segments.  

Results and Objectives

So far, over 90,000 tall seedlings have been planted in CBA's forest restoration areas in the Zona da Mata Mineira region.. An analysis of the roots of the tall seedlings, aged between 7 and 19 months, showed that some species developed 65 cm in length without growth restriction.