Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Eletrical Vehicles

Martin Brower


In line with the company's global goals, Martin Brower Brasil is attempting to reduce 40% of its carbon footprint by 2030. This is why we started a feasibility study for the adoption of electric vehicles for our operations, initially at the Martin Bower plant in Osasco, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo 

This choice is justified by the fact that the Osasco plant already uses 100% renewable energy sources, so the adoption of electric vehicles is expected to entail an even more significant decrease in emissions originating from the operation. Two electric vehicles were then acquired. 

Operations with these vehicles have already been carried out in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, on routes with an average of 80 km/day. For the feasibility calculations, the conversion factor of 2.68 kg of CO2/liter of diesel will be considered, observing the calculation tool provided by Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), The average efficiency observed in the purchased vehicles is equivalent to a diesel vehicle with an efficiency of 3.27 km/liter. 

The project is still being executed 

Results and Objectives

The project goals include: 

- Ensuring vehicle efficiency of at least 90% in company operations; 

- Reduction of 100% in emissions for routes that use electric vehicles; 

- Enabling the increase of the electric vehicle fleet upon proof of feasibility. 

The vehicle emission reduction target, at the end of one year, is 47,2 ton de CO2