Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Circular Economy

Klabin S.A.


The company implemented some circular economy projects, such as: i) it started to use the sludge discarded in the Effluent Treatment at the Rio Negro unit as a clay substitute for the manufacture of bricks used in civil construction work, ensuring the destination of 25 tons of waste, per month, which are reused and used in the Company's internal works as well; ii) it started to treat waste from the Monte Alegre and Puma Unit, which is transformed into paver blocks or “channels”, which can also be used in its works; iii) production of “Ecosolo”, an agricultural fertilizer made from composting sludge and other residue, such as bark, which works as a sustainable and efficient solution for soil fertilization. 


Results and Objectives

Increase in the percentage of solid waste reuse and recycling to 97.5%, boosting SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). 

Solid waste reuse rate of 98.1%. 


The project's goal is that, by 2030, 100% of the company's industrial waste will no longer go to landfills, which represents the elimination of over 7 MM tons of waste.