Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Vale's Forestry Target 2030 was announced in 2019 as a voluntary commitment that aims to protect and recover 500,000 hectares of areas beyond the company's borders, with 100,000 hectares of recovery and 400,000 hectares of forest protection.


The Vale Nature Reserve (RNV) is responsible for partnerships with Conservation Units - within the scope of the target. Fundo Vale is responsible for drawing up the strategy and implementing Vale's 2030 Forestry Target for the recovery component and for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in the protection component. 


Results and Objectives

Protection of 400,000 hectares: In 2020 and 2021, partnerships were established through Cooperation Agreements, with 07 Conservation Units, located in the states of MG, ES and RJ, totaling around 115,000 hectares. Based on actions developed within the scope of these partnerships, several rare and endangered species of fauna and flora have been monitored, generating strategic information to support conservation actions. In addition to environmental monitoring activities, environmental education activities are carried out with the communities surrounding the Units. These actions have already involved more than 30 schools and 2,500 students.


Recovering 100,000 hectares: Between 2020 and 2022, 7,392 hectares have already been recovered in seven states (RR, PA, RO, MT, BA, SP, MG) with support for five businesses, agroforestry systems and an investment of approximately R$114 million. More than 900 jobs were created in these projects. The businesses also received mentoring and support related to strengthening knowledge and management.


13. Climate action , 8. Decent work and economic growth

External Certification

Imaflora (Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification), a partner in the initiative since 2020, is responsible for assessing whether the chosen businesses are operating in compliance with legislation and best practices.

National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code, Action Plan to prevent and control deforestation and fires in the Cerrado (PPCerrado), National Plan to Control Illegal Deforestation and Recover Native Vegetation, Deforestation Prevention and Control in Legal Amazon (PPCDAm), RED++ (National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)

More info

Vale's 2030 Forestry Target - Protect and Restore 500,000 hectares