PwC Brazil's Net Zero 2030 Plan aims to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, covering all offices in Brazil. The company has defined a number of actions for the Net Zero Plan which aim to measure annually, the absolute reduction of direct emissions, transition to a 100% renewable energy matrix, manage corporate travel, engage suppliers and neutralize unavoidable emissions. The plan covers all PwC Brazil offices, located in São Paulo/SP, Barueri/SP, Ribeirão Preto/SP, Campinas/SP, São José dos Campos/SP, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasília/DF, Goiânia/GO, Curitiba/PR, Maringá/PR, Porto Alegre/RS, Florianópolis/SC, Salvador/BA, Recife/PE and Fortaleza/CE.
Results and Objectives
External Certification
National Commitments
More info