Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project was developed to completely restore the Ressaca Stream area in São José dos Campos, including only native species and using an agroforestry system, which enriches biodiversity and does not use chemicals for its development. The initiative also includes the planting of 8,000 seedlings of native species from 2019 onwards.

Results and Objectives

The main aim of the project is to restore the Ressaca stream to its natural condition so that it can fulfill its role as a protected area, designed to preserve water resources, the landscape, biodiversity, protect the soil and guarantee the well-being of human populations. 

Maintenance and planting has been recurring since the start of the project, with monitoring and reports being carried out to visualize the improvements achieved. The site already has a well-developed vegetation cover, with a diversity of plant species springing up spontaneously. The initial phases of planting have already reached the parameters of ecological restoration, according to the state of São Paulo's SMA Resolution 32/2014.


13. Climate action , 15. Life on land

External Certification

Wildlife Habitat Council – WHC

International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Recovery of Native Vegetation in the Córrego Da Ressaca Environmental Protection Area - APA