Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

Klabin S.A.


Adoption of technologies for: construction of a Biomass Gasification plant, which supplies syngas, a renewable fuel, to the Lime Furnace, an equipment that is part of the chemical recovery system used in pulp production, replacing the use of fossil fuel; and a plant that produces Tall Oil, or pine oil, a renewable fuel, very similar to fuel oil, produced from natural resins of this species, extracted in the pulp production process. It is worth mentioning that this process generates a black liquor, which contains constituents of the wood other than the cellulose fibers. This liquor is used as the main fuel for the cogeneration of steam and energy for the entire production process, providing energy from a renewable source for the company's consumption, with the surplus being provided to the National Interconnected System. 

The project carries external certification - Green Domus and ISO 50001:2018 


The project is part of a net zero initiative with a deadline scheduled for 2050 

Results and Objectives

67% reduction in specific CO2 emissions between 2003 and 2021  

90% of the company's energy matrix is currently renewable, with the established target of reaching at least 92% by 2030 

In accordance with the goals approved by Klabin with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), in 2021, the company is committed to reducing scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25% per ton of pulp, paper and packaging by 2025, and by 49% per ton of pulp, paper and packaging by 2035. 

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