Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


PRO Carbon Commodities is a solution to address the soy chain's challenges towards decarbonization. Through the program, the company offers a grain with a measured carbon footprint, as well as transparency and traceability of information.


Using a tool (calculator) co-developed with Embrapa and based on an internationally recognized methodology, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Bayer is able to measure the carbon footprint of soybean production on a large scale. The result of the calculation is in kg CO2 eq/ton of soybeans. To make the calculation, the company uses information available in an application/platform that groups the data and analyzes the entire soy production, transport and marketing process.


The program is carried out in areas free of deforestation in the last 10 years and all participating farmers have undergone training in order to guarantee socio-environmental compliance. In addition, these farmers have committed not to deforest the areas during the program. To generate the footprint, Bayer uses standards such as ISO 14040, ISO 14044, ISO 14067 and the GHG Protocol.

Results and Objectives

Bayer calculated that the average carbon footprint of the project was 862 kg CO2 eq/ton, which is 67% less than the average carbon footprint of a Brazilian soybean - according to international bases. The aim in the second year of the project is to reduce the carbon footprint even further. The estimate is that the program's average footprint will reach 657 kg CO2 eq/ton, as a result of the improvements made by adopting best practices (interventions).


The area where the project is implemented covers 159,000 hectares, of which 95,000 hectares are protected forest and 64,000 hectares have had their soy footprint measured.



12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 15. Life on land

External Certification

International Commitments

National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code, Compliance with social and environmental criteria, ABC Plan, Action Plan to prevent and control deforestation and fires in the Cerrado (PPCerrado), Deforestation Prevention and Control in Legal Amazon (PPCDAm)

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PRO Carbon Commodities