Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project is structured around five initiatives, with the intention of not only preventing deforestation, but also rewarding producers for preserving native vegetation in the Amazon and Cerrado:


1- Program to recognize and encourage producers committed to preserving the Amazon and the Cerrado biomes through the Bayer loyalty program;

2- Implementation of internal biodiversity conservation and traceability policies with seed suppliers and producers with whom there are financing relationships;

3- Participation in collective actions, such as working groups and coalitions that seek to encourage responsible agriculture and the conservation of the Amazon and Cerrado biomes;

4- Valuing the forestry assets of agricultural commodity producers, especially those with natural vegetation above the minimum limit required by law;

5- Cooperation in a research project aimed at understanding the effect of climate change on agriculture and adapting agricultural techniques to the new reality.

Results and Objectives

The 5-pronged program was approved by Bayer's global Board of Management in April 2022. It was publicly announced in May 2023 and has no set deadline for completion.   


The aim of the program is to reconcile the conservation of the Amazon and Cerrado biomes with the responsible production of agricultural commodities. The expected results are still being quantified. 


13. Climate action , 15. Life on land , 2. Zero hunger

External Certification


National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code, Brazilian government's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Soy Moratorium, ABC Plan, Action Plan to prevent and control deforestation and fires in the Cerrado (PPCerrado), National Plan to Control Illegal Deforestation and Recover Native Vegetation, Deforestation Prevention and Control in Legal Amazon (PPCDAm), RED++ (National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)

More info

Bayer Forest Protection Program